
Agile Edge AI aims to deliver lightweight, efficient, and high-speed AI capabilities that seamlessly integrate into various mobile applications, empowering users with real-time, intelligent interactions and solutions. By leveraging the power of edge computing, Agile Edge AI ensures that data processing happens locally, which significantly reduces latency, enhances security, and optimizes performance.


Privacy Policy

At Agile Edge AI, your privacy is a top priority. Here's what you need to know:

  • Everything runs locally on your device.
  • Your information (image, voice, identity, etc.) is never collected, transmitted, distributed, or sold.
  • We don’t use third-party analytics or advertising frameworks. The only data we receive is what Apple provides to developers, which you control.
  • We don’t log or track your information in any way.
Thank you for trusting Agile Edge AI. Your privacy is in safe hands.